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Showing posts from June, 2023

Exploring Google Ad Manager's Features

Google Ad Manager is an ad management platform developed by Google. It allows publishers to sell ad space on their websites and apps, manage ad inventory, and optimize ad delivery. Ad Manager provides various features such as ad targeting, forecasting, reporting, and revenue optimization. CPM: CPM stands for Cost Per Mille or Cost Per Thousand. It represents the cost an advertiser pays for everyone thousand ad impressions served. The formula to calculate CPM is: CPM = (Total Cost / Total Impressions) * 1000 RPM: RPM stands for Revenue Per Mille or Revenue Per Thousand. It measures the revenue generated per one thousand ad impressions. The formula to calculate RPM is: RPM = (Total Revenue / Total Impressions) * 1000 Fill Rate: Fill rate refers to the percentage of ad impressions filled with actual ads out of the total available ad impressions. The formula to calculate fill rate is: Fill Rate = (Ad Impressions / Total Available Impressions) * 100 Click-through Rate (CTR): CTR measures th...